Designonics – Printables, Stickers, Illustrations, SVG Files, T-shirts, Journals, Planners, Coloring Pages, Home Decor, Fabric, Canvas Art, Greeting Cards, Clip Art, Graphics, etc.
You’ve landed on my blog. Welcome! 🙂 I’m Cynthia Thomas, founder and owner of Designonics. So, let me tell you a little something about myself.
I’ve been working at home since 2000, and over the years I’ve come to wear many hats. But the short version is that I write, I design, I create, etc. Designonics was created as a way to combine a lot of different types of designing under one roof – graphic design, printables (such as coloring pages, journals, planners, etc.).
First, and most important in my life, is God. I’m a Christian, I love God. He’s first, period. I’ve been happily married to John since August of 2000 and we live in Texas. I have two grown sons, and we have a collection of cats and dogs (one might think we love animals and they’d be correct). I confess, they own us.
I totally adore the color pink… any shade of pink, but mostly the lighter pastel shades of pink. That’s almost funny because I hated pink as a kid growing up. I’d paint my house pink and decorate it in pink if I didn’t think it’d scare off the husband.
I’ve had a love affair with writing for many years. Somewhere along the way in my teens, I really became totally infatuated with writing. It started out as a way to get my thoughts onto paper, releasing them through the pen. Later came the typewriter, the word processor, then the laptop. Yes, I’ve been around for a while!
I’m a dorky and geeky person. I find it better to laugh than to cry, so I’m more likely to act goofy and crack a joke than to be serious.
I confess I’m a teddy bear addict. I love adorable teddy bears. It’s possible that I have a few stuffed teddy bears… very possible… 🙂
So here I am! I hope you enjoy reading my blog as much I enjoy blogging. 🙂
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